Saturday, May 25, 2013

5/28/2013 Is atheism a religion?

"The power off button is not another channel on the television channel dial ! "

So said eloquently by the atheists.

Their position is that the scientific evidence based approach is the only way to guide us in our knowledge and decision making.  Faith leads to a tendency to go towards what we want to believe rather than what actually is.

The religious side can say that science can only tell us what has happened in the past.  We know that the sun comes up over the horizon every morning and gravity causes pencils to fall off the desk - up to now.  There is no scientific basis to definitively say that these properties will continue that way into the future.

Philosophy agrees.  Predicting the future is logically impossible.

The famous turkey paradox is about how an "evidence based" turkey sees the turkey farmer as the turkey's best friend.  After all, the farmer comes to clean the pan everyday and bring food and water for the turkey.  Based on that evidence, how is the turkey to expect that two weeks before thanksgiving that the farmer is coming to wring the turkey's neck?

Therefore, there is a belief involved in depending on science to continue as we experience it in the past.  The continual new findings in science, which sometimes shake up previous understanding, is evidence to this.  Did the Greeks not have every reason to think that the sun revolve around the earth based on their visual evidence?

Then there is the other aspect of the great progress being made in science.  It is no longer possible for any of us to have a full grasp of the various branches of scientific knowledge. 
When we are told that Einstein's equations dictate the presence of "dark energy",  it is evidence based because dark energy makes the equation work.  How many of us know what that equation is and understand its derivation?  When geneticists talk about chromosomes and DNA, how many of us know which ones do what?

When the new giant research facility the Large Hadron Collider at Cern said their experiment proved the existence of the Higg's boson, how do we verify the claim?

We believe.

We have "faith" in the media, the scientific community, Wikipedia, and any number of sources that agree with each other.

Conspiracy theorist would suggest that we never went to the moon and that the moon landing was all staged in a secret location.  It is all based on faith since not many of us have first hand experience of this.

Then there is group thinking and tribalism.  The bitter debate between the religious and the atheists inevitably divide the camp into two distinctive groups and the "us versus them" attitude that go with opposing groups.  While atheists may claim that they are evidence based,  it is just as tempting for them to favour speakers on their camp.

So atheism inevitably involve believing similar to the religious.  As is with the religious, the atheist values are also closely connected with these believes.

Huston Smith's book "The World's Religions" lists Confucianism in China as a religion.

"If religion is taken in its widest sense, as a way of life woven around a people's ultimate concerns, Confucianism clearly qualifies. Even if religion is taken in a narrower sense, as a concern to align humanity with the transcendental ground of its existence, Confucianism is still a religion, albeit a muted one........"

So Confucianism, without belief in any supernatural being, manage to define social values for China, Japan, and Korea for centuries and according to Smith have the essential qualities of a religion.

By this definition, atheism will also fit in the same category.

This definition, however, is not the everyday person's understanding of religion. 

For the person busy with everyday life.  Religion involve believing in a supernatural being, in miracles, in life after death, and reward/punishment in that afterlife for what we do in this life.

It is this common understanding of religion that the atheist is fighting against.

The "blind faith" based on written works thousands of years ago that defies our understanding of the present world.  The turning of water into wine, manna from heaven, and resurrection from the dead.

The story of Noah's Ark is hard to defend against current understanding of the world.  How did the lions coexist with the other animals in the Ark in the hungry days in the Ark waiting for the water to subside?  Did the North American buffalo made a special trip across the ocean to join the others in the Ark?  The Australian kangaroo?  Why did we not know about these other lands till much later on?  What about biodiversity with all the animals coming out of incest?

We need to differentiate the two complete different definition of religion. The academic and social aspect of religion as a value system, and religion involved in believing in supernatural being base on faith.

Atheism is a believe system more concerned with observed evidence while the supernatural kind is based on what we wish for.

1 comment:

  1. Justified belief, or common good. One or the other, never shall they meet.

    How many people speak about ones own faith, and understand what this means?

    Personally, I VOW to not take any more VOWS.

    Call me an atheist, a non believer, maybe a bitter person, but, religious beliefs have been the down fall of humanity. But, the way you describe atheism is just as ...difficult.

    Be friendly to religious persons. But don't take it too seriously. Any POLICY (or Religious text) can and will be used against you. So, cross at the lights, looks both ways first, and always be prepared for possible doom.

    Sorry if it sounds awful, but religious conspiracies always are.

